Sue Mukherjee, MD

October 16, 2016 | Submitted by pmrismorethan

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Sue Mukherjee, MD, became interested in physiatry after she spent a summer in India working with children with polio. Since then, she’s worked with pediatric and adolescent patients like Holly, Dontae, Aimee, and Jordan.

For each of these patients, the journey has been as much about helping them realize their goals and aspirations as it is about managing their physical challenges.

“All of us come together around patient goals and…what the patient wants to become,” says Mukherjee, MD. “Being able to help that is really important.”

Physiatry Day 2018

On Friday, October 26, we’re putting our specialty first.

No matter your subspecialty or area of interest, October 26 is about physiatry. Come together with your peers, declare your specialty loud and proud, and be part of the fun!

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