Below are stories with patients and physiatrists who describe what "Physiatry is more than_____." These are compassionate and courageous stories of individuals who discovered things about themselves they never thought possible. If you are someone who has seen the power of physiatry at work in your or someone else's life, please share your own story.
Check out all the great photos below to see how Team Physiatry celebrated on November 15. From onsite at the AAPM&R Annual Assembly to PM&R practices around the world, there was no shortage of spirit and fun as the specialty united to show what makes Team Physiatry so special! Team spirit was on full display […]
Submit A Written Response Take 1 minute to complete this short form. We’re compiling written answers and plan to share them with the PM&R community on Physiatry Day! Submit a Video Response Use our new user-friendly app to record a quick video about why you love physiatry and fill in the blank: “I’m a physiatrist […]
Friday, October 26: We are putting Physiatry first. No matter your subspecialty or area of interest, October 26 is about physiatry. Come together with your peers, declare your specialty loud and proud, and be part of the fun! Our 2018 theme, “Physiatrist & ____” is about putting physiatry first. Oftentimes physiatrists introduce themselves to patients […]
If you are a physiatrist who has a patient story you want to share, or if you are someone who has seen the power of physiatry at work in your or someone else's life, please share your own story. Use any of the social media platforms listed below or visit the About page to learn more.
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